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Management Dashboard: Its Definition, Examples and Design


Published: July 20, 2023    |     null MIN READ



In this article, we'll cover the definition, elements, best examples, and steps to create a management dashboard. Let's start exploring together when you are ready!

Table Of Contents

A strong management dashboard is a vital tool for companies looking to increase sales and draw in new clients. Along with providing important facts, it also provides insightful advice to promote organizational development.

The concept of management dashboards, their component parts, common examples, and best practices for efficiently creating one will all be covered in this article.

Introduction to Management Dashboards

1. What is a Management Dashboard?

A management dashboard is a flexible tool that may be used by different business departments and disciplines within an organization. It successfully communicates critical business information by showing key performance indicators (KPIs) through understandable charts and statistics.

The management dashboard, which is typically accessible to internal personnel, makes sure that everyone inside the firm can quickly access and understand important goals, indicators, action items, and KPIs. This open approach helps the organization track the development and success of its business KPIs, empowering decision-makers to make educated, data-driven decisions for upcoming business goals. Additionally, the dashboard's dynamic management data analytics provide ongoing performance metric monitoring and analysis.

Management dashboard in business world
Management Dashboard in Business

2. Management Dashboard Design

A management dashboard is a potent tool made to help businesses analyze data quickly and make decisions that are well-informed. The success of a management dashboard depends on the design features listed below, which help it accomplish its goal:

Clear and visually appealing interfaces: These interfaces not only make it easy for staff to find important information quickly and with little effort, but they also increase employee engagement and motivation.
Data that is accurate: Access to accurate data is the cornerstone of any decision-making. The company's judgment and strategic decisions depend heavily on accurate information.
Metrics that matter: Different business sectors need different performance indicators. As a result, the management dashboard should provide pertinent metrics catered to the requirements of each department.
Combining graphs and numbers: Combining graphical and numerical data simplifies the dashboard's visual presentation and keeps staff members interested in understanding the data shown.
Real-time updates: Given the rapidly changing business landscape, real-time data updates play a pivotal role in facilitating agile and well-informed business decisions.

The management dashboard can be made a vital instrument for simplifying decision-making procedures and boosting overall company effectiveness by improving these design components.

Management Dashboard Examples

Management dashboards can be classified into several types based on their intended use. Here are a few examples to help clarify what I’m trying to say.
Note: All the management dashboard examples shown in this article are created by FineBI, a BI software designed for everyone who has the need to develop BI dashboards and data analysis with no restrictions on features or time. You can download FineBI for free and have a try!

1. Project Management Dashboard

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Project Management Dashboard

Project management dashboards serve as dynamic and visually engaging tools, empowering project managers to efficiently monitor project progress, identify potential risks, and allocate tasks to team members effectively. Along with improving resource allocation and time management, these dashboards give customized reports that offer a rapid overview of the project status.

Project management dashboards efficiently depict project data by utilizing a wide variety of visual components such as graphs, charts, and other representations. These visual elements are essential for streamlining project tracking and producing thorough reports. By including these components, project management dashboards develop into priceless tools that improve project oversight and encourage reasoned decision-making.

2. Sales Management Dashboard

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Sales Management Dashboard

A dashboard for sales analysis has a lot to offer sales managers. Sales teams can easily prepare sales reports and gain insightful company data by using this management solution. These observations help compare the company's objectives with actual performance, which is essential for supporting sales management.

The dashboard also helps sales leaders keep a close eye on a number of sales-related factors, such as sales performance, revenue trends, customer acquisition, and other crucial sales indicators. This all-encompassing picture makes it simpler to spot potential sales opportunities, problem areas, and potential bottlenecks in the sales process. Sales management now has a valuable tool to help with decision-making, sales strategy optimization, and overall sales force effectiveness thanks to the sales analysis dashboard.

3. Cost Management Dashboard

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Cost Management Dashboard

A cost management dashboard proves invaluable in addressing the challenge of delayed cost strategy formulation during business operations. Users can access real-time updates of dynamic cost data through data reporting using this dashboard, which allows them to effectively visualize the cost distribution.

The cost management dashboard also helps organizations keep tabs on and manage their spending. It provides crucial information on operating expenses, budgetary compliance, and cost trends, and pinpoints areas where cost-cutting initiatives can be put in place.

Businesses can expedite expense analysis, make educated decisions, and proactively implement cost-saving efforts by using the cost management dashboard effectively. As a result, financial efficiency is increased and cost management tactics are improved.

4. Cash Management Dashboard

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Cash Management Dashboard

A cash management dashboard offers a quick and comprehensive overview of your business's cash situation. It develops into a useful instrument for effective cash management within organizations by evaluating and assessing crucial indicators.

A cash management dashboard is essential for closely monitoring cash flow, liquidity, and overall financial health, according to financial experts. It makes it easier to optimize cash flow, spot future cash shortfalls, and maintain the organization's financial stability.

Businesses can maintain healthy cash reserves, navigate through potential cash flow difficulties, and make proactive, informed financial decisions with the help of the cash management dashboard. This promotes more financial control and stability, which eventually helps the business be more financially successful overall.

5. Financial Management Dashboard

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Financial Management Dashboard

The financial management dashboard is focused on assessing a company's financial performance, taking into account important factors including revenue, expenses, profitability, and cash flow. Various variables, including gross margin, net profit, and return on investment (ROI), are included in this dashboard. It also includes crucial financial ratios, profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, and information on cash flows.

Businesses can improve their decision-making, strategic planning, and overall financial optimization by using the financial management dashboard, which provides a thorough and analytical perspective of their financial health.

6. Production Management Dashboard

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Production Management Dashboard

The production management dashboard is focused on enhancing operational efficiency by closely monitoring key aspects such as production output, quality metrics, and resource utilization. It includes crucial performance metrics (KPIs) such as overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), cycle time, and production output. The production workflows can be optimized and any bottlenecks in the production process can be found thanks to the help of this dashboard.

Businesses can proactively enhance production processes, boost productivity, and guarantee optimal resource usage by utilizing the production management dashboard. This makes it possible for them to improve product quality, streamline processes, and increase efficiency all around.

How to Create a Management Dashboard Effectively

1. Define Your Objectives

Decide what your management dashboard's objectives are in detail. To properly monitor and manage your project, decide what critical metrics, data, and insights to provide.

2. Identify Key Performance Indicators

Choose the KPIs that are pertinent to your goals. Metrics like project progress, budget, resource use, task completion, and customer satisfaction may be among them.

3. Choose the Right Data Visualization Tools

Choose appropriate visualization tools that accurately depict your data and make it simple to understand, such as graphs, charts, and tables. When selecting visualization formats, take into account the characteristics of your data as well as the preferences of your stakeholders.

For instance, FineBI is a cutting-edge business intelligence and big data analytics tool created to meet the varied data analysis needs of users of various skill levels. With its intuitive interface, anyone can create good BI dashboards and conduct self-service data analysis, resulting in smart data that encourages business growth.

The straightforward drag-and-drop features of FineBI make it simpler to create visually appealing dashboards. One of FineBI's unique qualities is its simplicity in integrating and condensing data from diverse sources. Real-time data synchronization is made possible via FineBI's interfaces with a variety of data systems, such as CRM platforms, ERP systems, and spreadsheets.

FineBI Drag-and-drop Interface
FineBI Drag-and-drop Interface

4. Collect & Curate Vital Data

Gather pertinent project data from dependable sources, including time-tracking tools, financial documents, and project management software. Make sure the information is precise, current, and arranged in a logical way to enable easy integration into the management dashboard.

5. Design Your Dashboard Layout

Design a management dashboard that is organized and simple to use. Assure that the dashboard is aesthetically pleasing and simple to use by grouping comparable information together and using consistent labelling and colour schemes.

Due to the wide range of customisable widgets, charts, graphs, and tables that the software provides, users of FineBI can present their data in an understandable and uncomplicated manner. Users can select from a range of visualization techniques in accordance with their particular demands, resulting in interactive dashboards that promote exploration and drill-down capabilities.

FineBI also supports more than 50 types of graphs, covering various basic and high-level charts on the market. It also offers excellent dynamic effects and a powerful interactive experience. You can customize features according to your needs during use, and the dashboards can be displayed on mobile terminals and large LED screens.

FineBI support 50+ types of charts
FineBI support 50+ types of charts

6. Incorporate Real-Time Data Updates

Integrate real-time data updates into your project management dashboard if at all possible. This guarantees that stakeholders have access to the most recent data, empowering them to make wise judgments and act quickly in the event that a project change occurs.

FineBI’s real time reporting feature enables users to get up-to-the-minute data reports and dashboards when the related data is updated in the business systems.

7. Share Reports & Collaborate with Your Team

Management dashboard reports that have been generated locally can then be shared, updated, and published from any location. As a result, the business information is accessible to all stakeholders.

When creating a dashboard collaboratively, FineBI allows several people to access and edit the same dashboard at once. Furthermore, sharing dashboards with stakeholders is made simple by features like public links, platform sharing, and directory publication.

There is no need to go via an administrator when utilizing FineBI if you need to share dashboards with different business roles, departments, or users. With particular individuals, you can directly share the dashboard.

FineBI Data Sharing
FineBI Data Sharing


A Management dashboard can be your helpful new assistant to survive or even be a leader of the business world. FineBI could be your wonderful assistant in modern management. Why not click the button to try to apply FineBI in your management?

Feel free to schedule a live demo with our product experts. We will gain a clearer understanding of your needs and demonstrate how FineBI can help you and your organization transform data into value.

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