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Financial Dashboards - See the Best Examples & Templates


Published: June 29, 2023    |     null MIN READ



In this article, we'll delve into the world of financial dashboards, exploring their definition, and significance, and demonstrating some examples in driving success.

Table Of Contents

Are you looking to gain better control over your organization's financial performance? Want to make informed decisions based on real-time insights? Look no further than a financial dashboard.

In this article, we'll delve into the world of financial dashboards, exploring their definition, and significance, and demonstrating some examples in driving success.

Plus, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to create your own financial dashboard, step by step. So, let's dive in and unlock the potential of financial dashboards for your business!

What is a Financial Dashboard?

A financial dashboard is a business intelligence (BI) tool used in finance that provides a visual representation of key financial data and performance metrics like the analytical report. It is designed to present complex financial information in a concise and easy-to-understand format, assisting you in meeting and exceeding the financial goals of your department or company.

A financial dashboard consolidates data from various sources such as accounting systems, financial software, and other data repositories, and presents it in real-time or near-real-time. It allows users such as business owners, executives, and financial analysts to quickly conduct financial analytics and evaluate the financial condition and performance of a company, department, or specific project.

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Financial Dashboard

Why are Financial Dashboards Important?

Financial professionals and departments face greater pressure than ever before, as modern businesses require finance personnel to provide quick insights and reliable financial reporting to enhance financial management and drive decision-making. At the same time, financial dashboards play a crucial role in improving transparency and accountability within an organization. Specifically, the importance of financial dashboards can be seen in the following aspects:

1. Visualization of financial data: Financial dashboards present financial data in visual formats such as charts, graphs, and tables, making it easier for executives, finance teams, and other personnel to validate data accurately, quickly, and efficiently, as well as gain in-depth understanding of financial details as needed. Visual representation enhances understanding and enables finance experts to identify patterns, trends, and outliers more effectively.

2. Real-time insights and performance monitoring: By providing real-time data, financial and relevant personnel can access the latest information on key financial indicators. Financial dashboards can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time, track the progress of achieving financial goals, and compare actual performance against targets. This allows organizations to identify areas in need of improvement or adjustment and take corrective actions promptly.

3. Transparency and accountability: Stakeholders can easily access financial information to enhance internal transparency, thanks to financial dashboards. By sharing financial data and performance metrics, organizations can improve transparency and encourage open communication and discussion. This helps build a culture that emphasizes financial accountability and promotes cooperation and collaboration within the organization.

4. Financial planning and forecasting: Dashboards facilitate financial planning and forecasting by providing historical data, trends, and predictions. This helps organizations create realistic budgets, assess potential scenarios, and make strategic decisions based on accurate financial insights. Additionally, by monitoring profitability, cash flow, financial ratios, and other financial indicators, users can identify potential areas for growth or potential risks that need attention.

Challenges of Financial Dashboards and Reporting

Designing and building financial dashboards is a challenge because different teams require different data and insights, and integrating all this information is never easy, especially if you are still using Excel spreadsheets.

On one hand, Excel becomes slow when handling large amounts of data, impacting work efficiency. On the other hand, Excel's data security is uncontrollable, with poor security levels in terms of access control and filtering policies, compromising the security of financial data.

Financial data contains sensitive information that needs to be protected from unauthorized access or leaks. Implementing robust security measures and complying with data privacy regulations (such as GDPR or HIPAA) poses challenges for organizations. Ensuring data encryption, access control, and secure data storage are critical aspects of addressing this challenge.

Even if you have a high-level executive dashboard design that combines financial planning and analysis (FP&A) for future forecasting, organizations often have multiple systems and data sources that need to be integrated to provide comprehensive financial reporting. However, if your dashboard cannot extract and integrate data in real time, you may still struggle to make business decisions based on accurate financial figures.

Furthermore, your financial dashboard should not simply present numbers on the screen—they need to highlight the story and insights behind the numbers to facilitate more strategic and real-time decision-making.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of effective data governance, technological solutions, user training, and ongoing improvement efforts. By recognizing and addressing these challenges, organizations can maximize the value and effectiveness of financial dashboards and reporting.

What Should Be Included in a Financial Reporting Dashboard?

When building a financial reporting dashboard, you need to include important metrics relevant to your industry, scale, and reporting requirements. This will help you quickly identify valuable insights from complex information, and your strategy should also adapt to evolving challenges over time.

Typically, the most important financial metrics you should track include but are not limited to:

  • Revenue
  • Cash Balance
  • Cash Surplus
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Net Profit Margin
  • Earnings Per Share (EPS)
  • Return on Assets (ROA)
  • Return on Equity (ROE)
  • MRR and ARR
  • Revenue Churn
  • Debt-to-Asset Ratio
  • Current Ratio
  • Accounts Receivable Turnover

These financial metrics provide insights into the organization's financial position, profitability, asset utilization, debt-paying ability, and shareholder returns. However, the specific selection of metrics should be based on the organization's industry, strategic goals, and operational characteristics, along with a comprehensive analysis that incorporates non-financial indicators.

6 Examples of Financial Dashboards

Financial dashboard, as a professional management tool, helps track all relevant financial key performance indicators (KPIs) to achieve effective cash management and provide detailed insights into expenses, sales, and profits. Its order is to meet and exceed the financial goals of departments or companies.

Here are six examples of the best financial dashboards designed for different roles and levels within various industries or departments.

Note: All the financial dashboard templates shown in this article are created by FineBI, a powerful BI tool that has been honorably mentioned by Gartner Magic Quadrant for ABI Platforms. You can download FineBI for free and have a try!


Financial KPI Dashboard 

The Financial KPI Dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive and professional overview of an organization's financial performance. It allows stakeholders to track and analyze key financial indicators to monitor the company's financial health, identify potential risks, and make informed strategic decisions.

The dashboard showcases a range of important financial KPIs, such as Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash Flow Ratio, Budget Variance Analysis, Liquidity Ratio Analysis, Profit Margin Analysis, and more. These indicators offer valuable insights into various aspects of the organization's financial performance.

By leveraging the Financial KPI Dashboard, organizations can gain a holistic understanding of their financial performance, profitability, asset utilization, debt management, and other critical areas. It enables them to identify areas for improvement, assess risks, and adjust strategies to achieve financial goals. The dashboard provides actionable insights that empower decision-makers to make wise choices and drive the organization's long-term success.

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Financial KPI Dashboard 

Financial Position Analysis Dashboard 

Financial Position Analysis Dashboard is primarily designed to assess a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial stability. The dashboard focuses on key indicators such as liquidity ratios (such as current ratio and quick ratio), solvency ratios (such as debt-to-equity ratio and interest coverage ratio), profitability ratios (such as gross profit margin and net profit margin), and efficiency ratios (such as asset turnover and inventory turnover). These metrics help evaluate the organization's ability to meet short-term obligations, manage long-term debt, generate profits, and effectively utilize assets.

The case study presented in the Financial Position Analysis Dashboard demonstrates its practical application. The visualization provides an in-depth analysis of the organization's liquidity and asset composition during a specific period. It may include graphs, charts, and tables that clearly display the company's asset composition, debt levels, and financial strength. This information is crucial for stakeholders, including investors, lenders, and management, to assess the organization's financial viability and make informed decisions regarding investment, financing, and strategic planning.

With this valuable insight, stakeholders can effectively evaluate the organization's funding composition, withstand financial shocks, manage debt, and maintain a healthy financial position. The Financial Position Analysis Dashboard empowers stakeholders to enhance the organization's financial health and achieve long-term success.

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Financial Position Analysis Dashboard 

CFO Dashboard

CFO Dashboard is a tool designed to enable Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) to effectively manage financial operations, analyze key financial indicators, and make informed strategic decisions.

It provides a wide range of financial metrics and KPIs that are crucial for CFOs to assess the financial health and performance of the organization. These metrics may include revenue growth, profitability ratios, cash flow analysis, cost management, budget variances, working capital trends, and debt management. The dashboard offers real-time updates and visual representations of these metrics, allowing CFOs to quickly identify trends, patterns, and areas that require attention.

By using the CFO Dashboard, CFOs can effectively monitor financial performance, identify areas for improvement, and align financial goals with strategic objectives. By leveraging this tool, CFOs can enhance financial transparency, drive profitability, and guide the organization toward long-term success.

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CEO Dashboard

Financial Performance Dashboard

Financial Performance Dashboard helps stakeholders such as executives, managers, and investors gain deeper insights into an organization's financial performance, profitability, efficiency, and liquidity.

From a financial performance dashboard, you can discover a wide range of important financial indicators that cover various aspects of organizational performance. These indicators may include revenue trends, cost breakdowns, profitability ratios, and cash flow patterns. This information is valuable for stakeholders in assessing the financial viability of the company, evaluating investment opportunities, and making strategic business decisions. The dashboard presents these indicators in a visually appealing and easily understandable format, such as charts, graphs, and tables, enabling stakeholders to quickly grasp financial performance trends and identify areas of strength or concern.

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Financial Performance Dashboard

Financial Index Analysis Dashboard

Financial Index Analysis Dashboard provides a comprehensive and professional overview of an organization's financial performance based on various financial indices. It displays financial indicators that cover various aspects of the organization's performance. These indices may include profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, efficiency ratios, and market valuation ratios. By monitoring these indices, stakeholders can assess the organization's profitability, liquidity, leverage, operational efficiency, and market position.

The Financial Index Analysis Dashboard presents these indices in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. These visual representations make it helpful to compare current performance against historical data, industry benchmarks, or predefined targets, providing valuable insights for decision-making and performance evaluation.

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Financial Index Analysis Dashboard

Analysis of Receivables and Payables

Analysis of Receivables and Payables Dashboard allows stakeholders, such as financial managers and executives, to analyze and monitor an organization's outstanding receivables and payable obligations. With this dashboard, you can achieve a comprehensive overview of the organization's accounts receivable and accounts payable management.

The dashboard presents key metrics and indicators related to accounts receivable and accounts payable, including aging analysis, average collection period, days payable outstanding, and cash conversion cycle. By visualizing these metrics in an intuitive and accessible format, the dashboard allows users to quickly assess the organization's liquidity, cash flow management, and working capital efficiency.

Analysis of Receivables and Payables Dashboard is a valuable resource for identifying trends, patterns, and potential risks related to accounts receivable and accounts payable. It helps stakeholders make informed decisions regarding credit policies, collections strategies, vendor management, and cash flow optimization.

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Analysis of Receivables and Payables

Feel free to make an appointment for a live demo with our product experts. We will be more clear about your needs and see how FineBI can help you and your organization transform data into value.


How to Create a Financial Dashboard?

After understanding the best financial dashboard examples mentioned above, let's explore how to create a financial dashboard that suits your needs. Here is a general guide to creating a financial dashboard:

1. Identify relevant financial metrics and KPIs: Select the necessary financial indicators based on the goals and audience of your financial dashboard, considering perspectives from executives, financial managers, or investors. Consider metrics such as revenue growth, profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, asset turnover ratios, debt ratios, and market performance indicators.

2. Gather and organize data: Collect the necessary financial data from reliable sources, ensuring its accuracy, consistency, and currency. Data sources can include accounting software, financial statements, or databases. It is recommended to use professional dashboard software to assist with data integration like FineBI. It is a dashboard tool that includes data integration and analysis capabilities as part of an end-to-end platform. This allows you to easily combine data sets from across your organization, such as databases, spreadsheets, or specialized software systems.

FineBI excels in lightweight data processing scenarios and includes data development modules like FineDataLink, which enables data synchronization (ELT) and data transformation (ETL). It can combine and transform data from multiple sources, regardless of their heterogeneity, into commonly used tabular data structures for analysis users, maximizing efficiency.

3. Clean and transform data: After data collection, you need to process the data. Apply data cleansing techniques to eliminate errors, inconsistencies, and duplicate records. Transform the raw data into a structured format compatible with the dashboard tool you plan to use. 

FineBI provides an Excel-like interface that allows easy visual editing of data, including filtering, merging, and calculations. You can directly drag and drop cross-table fields from different tables for analysis, reducing the previous cumbersome data editing operations. Additionally, FineBI enhances the reusability of indicators, allowing for efficient and consistent analysis.

FineBI Drag-and-drop Interface

4. Design dashboard layout: Plan the layout of your financial dashboard to be user-friendly and visually appealing, presenting complex financial information in a clear and intuitive manner to users. Organize the metrics logically based on the perspectives and flow of information for your audience. Use appropriate chart types, graphs, tables, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to effectively present the data.

FineBI encourages the customization of dashboards with over 50 built-in and custom chart types, including dynamic effects and powerful interactive experiences. By selecting relevant financial indicators, arranging visual components, applying filters, and setting thresholds, you can focus on key information.

FineBI Dynamic Charts

5. Apply data security measures: Implement appropriate security measures to protect sensitive financial data. Utilize role-based access control, encryption, and data anonymization techniques to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information. FineBI excels in data security and governance, supporting multi-dimensional access control for different groups/business packages/tables/rows/columns. It also provides role-based access control to manage different levels of control for departments, positions, roles, and users. 

Additionally, FineBI offers features such as data encryption and audit logs to ensure data privacy and compliance with regulations. If you encounter any difficulties in this area, FineBI can help you resolve them.

6. Predictive alerts: Predictive alerting capabilities in financial dashboards are essential for the finance department and stakeholders. They enable quick and timely action in response to financial deviations or anomalies, mitigating or avoiding negative impacts. Many financial dashboards on the market lack monitoring and predictive alerts for potential risks or historical data analysis, which can weaken an organization's ability to respond to financial risks. 

FineBI addresses this by setting trend lines and alert thresholds, presenting trends in charts, and alerting for abnormal indicators. It also offers scheduled functions, notifying users through email, SMS, or platform messages when alert conditions are triggered, enabling timely analysis and decision-making.

By following these best practices, you can create a powerful and effective financial dashboard!

What’s Next for Your Financial Dashboards?

When it comes to choosing the right software for creating a financial dashboard, FineBI stands out as a top recommendation. FineBI offers a powerful and intuitive platform that combines data integration, analysis, and visualization capabilities. With its lightweight data processing features and built-in modules like FineDataLink, FineBI simplifies the data preparation process and enables efficient data synchronization and transformation.

With FineBI, you can design customized dashboards, leverage a wide range of visualization options, and apply advanced analytics to gain deeper insights into your financial data. Additionally, FineBI prioritizes data security and governance, ensuring that sensitive financial information is protected.

Whether you are a financial manager, executive, or investor, FineBI provides the tools you need to create a dynamic and insightful financial dashboard that drives informed decision-making and enhances performance evaluation.

Unlock the power of your financial data with FineBI and take your financial analysis to new heights. Try FineBI today and experience the difference it can make for your organization's financial dashboard.


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